highdudgeon;155139 Wrote: 
> But then you'd have to run virtual PC all the time.  Yuck.
> You could always buy a cheap PC laptop to run Slim Server and Inguz. 
> The price could be well under a grand -- which is still a lot cheap
> than TacT/Lyngdorf and, for that matter, a lot of high quality EQs.
> Personally, I'll wait for the Mac solution.  Can't be long.

I think I'm with you on this.  I hope you are right about it not being
too far off.  Let me know if you see it before I do, and I will do the

I have a G5 with dual hard drives, so it seems a shame not to use all
that horsepower.  I am thinking I could totally devote one drive to
music and devote the other to everything else and have a really clean


Transporter, Quicksilver V4 Monos, Vandersteen Model 5A speakers.  SB3,
Quad Tube Pre-Amp, Tube Monos, Quad ESLs.  Homemade Tripath Digital
amps, Carver ALS (original) Speakers with Outboard Crossovers.
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