Spent a few hours over the weekend and got the following results

ROOM PLACEMENT - done with just one ESL 988

- I moved it around to all obvious places and sure the response
changed, but not really for the better. Just different peaks and
troughs. Top to bottom is still about 28dB, and much the same as in my
first post on this thread.

- placed a load of big heavy sofa cushions against the rear of the
speaker and this helped a little, but nothing dramatic. Sound wasn't
obviously better.

- If I put the 988s way into the room then I did get a better frequency
plot, but sadly it is completely unrealistic to use them there.


I very carefully carried out more sweeps at 1am and found the
following, and used several DRC files:

- the only setting that is listenable to is No Correction, Flatness=10.
It actually sounds a lot better, considering I find my 988s a little
flat and boring compared to say my old ESL 57s (but they can still can
sound so much better than a box speaker)! From memory the tonal balance
is closer to my ESL57s, but this is an awful lot of shifting of tonal
balance considering this is a very expensive HiFi! I would go back to
my ESL 57s but frankly their querks have got the better of me.

- I worked with many .drc files that come as standard, I downloaded, or
people suggested in this forum. Frankly they all sound similar but
pretty bad. Oddly when using normal.drc downloaded from
http://www.inguzaudio.com/Tools the two channels sounded quite
different. Maybe something went wrong here, but it did happen with 2
sets of sweep files. 

- I measured the filters by plugging the SB3 straight into my PC via
the US122L. The yellow plot and purple plots are No Correction &
soft.drc respectively. No Correction is adding a lot of bass and
treble. I have no idea what soft.drc is trying to do! Both with

NB - I repeated this with new sweeps and got identical results.

Which raises a couple of questions

- why would the No Correction sound ok but the others sound terrible?
If No Correction is good then the sweeps must be ok? I did take a lot
of care over the sweeps to avoid clipping etc.

- there appears to be very little correction to take out individual
peaks and troughs. Just quite a smooth correction profile.

- and most important, why do all except No Correction sound terrible!?

Any help is most gratefully received!

|Filename: rta1.JPG                                                 |
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