Actually, I've clarified the situation a bit with Apple folks and, of
course,  Slim's friendly customer support:

1. Ideally, one should have one of the new core 2 duo (or whatever
they're called) machines with 2ghz.  This is because you will run
"Parallels," OSX and Windows at the same time, all the time.

2. You will use Slim Server with the Inguz plugin in the Windows
environment.  Okay, we all know that.  However...

3. Assuming you're using iTunes, you will need to run iTunes in
Windows.  This doesn't mean that you can't have iTunes on the Mac side,
too; what it does mean, though, is that it is the Windows version that
Slim Server will use for organization, etc.

That's about it.  It's really pretty simple, when  you get down to it. 

If you're like me and choose to use Fuzzmeasure (which is a serious
professional measurement program) for sweep measurements, you'll need
to export the impulse files (AIFF only) and then use Audacity to
convert to WAV for use by Acourate and Inguz/Slim Server.


Relax.  It's about the music.
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