milanlad;161074 Wrote: 
> Previously to owning a Transporter i always left my Arcam CD player and
> amplifiers powered on all day and all night, without any problems.
> Should I do this with the Transporter?

It's never really powered off, only idle.  All components remain
powered at all times.  Well I suppose the audio circuitry isn't passing
current because it's not playing back, but the situation is the same in
a CD player that's on but not playing anything.

> Is there any reason why I shouldn't apart from electricity wastage?

Consumption is minimal even when it's playing back.

> Will having the display on medium or brighthave any significant effect
> on sound?

Theoretically the VFD inverter is noisy.  However great attempts have
been made to isolate it as much as possible - it has its own power
supply physically separate from the rest of the circuitry.

I have not read a single comment about the VFD affecting the sound in
any perceptible way.  You can try tests if you like, simply turn the
display to brightness 0 (i.e. off).  Turning the brighntess up from low
to medium to bright ought to have little effect, the largest effect
would be between dark and bright - and again no one's reported any
sonic differences.

Mark Lanctot
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