Sleestack;161547 Wrote: 
> I was obviously referring to the various controls on different types of
> components. No, a DVD player has no volume knob, but it also doesn't
> function a a preamp and has many other buttons.
> I have many TACT pieces.  Unless you are using them as amps, they most
> certainly have a voume dial.  Amps don't need controls,  tht's what
> preamps are for.
> So you believe being exclusively dependent on a remote control would be
> better for the Transporter?  So that everyone is forced to use a remote?
> You think that being forced to use a remote is required for something to
> be "revolutionary"?  Why not just give both options as they have.  Not
> everyone wants to be tied to a $25 universal remote.  By the way, if
> you love remotes so much, why not get a better one?
> And why do you keep calling the Transporter revolutionary?  Does SD use
> that in their marketing somewhere?

My TacT 2150s are used as power DACs and don't need any preamps or
volume controls.

Yes, I believe the Transporter would be a better value, if it was
exclusively dependent on a remote control with a display, but if  you
and George like playing with the knob and buttons, it's your money.

The $25. remote for my TacT gear, DL and transports works just fine,
would a more expensive one make my system sound better?

Are you saying the Transporter isn't "revolutionary?"

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