Au contraire, mon frere -- actually I'm not advertising anywhere or, for
that matter, representing SD products.  I strongly support the company
and believe in the products and people.  However, I don't have the time
for this, my schedule is slippery, audio is far from being a significant
income in our home, etc.

But, that's not the point.  Actually, I don't think (heresy) that there
is anything wrong with MP3 or that, for that matter, it is an injustice
to use MP3 with the Transporter.  I'm thinking of my own collection
(which totals at around 1,500 or so CDs).  Quite a few CDs are pop
music that gets no more attention than background music -- when
cooking, having dinner, playing with the kids, doing laundry, hanging
with friends.  IE, stuff that will never, ever, be listened to
"critically."  If you're listening to some old poorly recorded rock
album while stirring sauce in the kitchen...who really cares if it is
lossless or MP3?  I'd rather have it compressed and save space for that
part of the collection that is meaninful to me.

Part of this revolution -- and I really do think it is a revolution in
how we organize and listen to music -- is versatility.  I like one or
two Meatloaf songs, maybe once or twice a year, max.  Do I really need
to have that album in lossless format?  No.  Besides, I own the CDs and
can rescan them or play them in a transport whenever I like.

C'est tout.


Skunk;162996 Wrote: 
> What is above MP3 but below lossless? 
> If you're a retailer for SD, using lossy files does not do the
> Transporter nor the customer justice. They can't exactly bring their
> own lossless files to demo.  Perhaps I'm way off base, and you only
> sell them on Audiogon...


Relax.  It's about the music.
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