Robin Bowes wrote:
> Patrick Dixon wrote:
>> robinbowes;163344 Wrote: 
>>> Do you throw your toys out of your pram when people have different
>>> views to you in real life too? Or do you just save that for us? Just
>>> wondering.
>>> Yes, there do seem to have been a lot of personal insults from someone
>> who keeps telling us that he doesn't want to be flamed.
> Ah well, all finished now. Move along, nothing to see here. :)

Apparently not...

I received this from our good friend Mr. Dudgeon by way of PM. It made
me smile so I thought I'd shre it with you:

"You guessed wrong, silly man. He recorded more than one.

Anyway, it's satisfying to see the shit-fest you guys are capable of
arousing. The interesting thing is that I'm actually in London now, for
a week, and will then be on the continent for the next six weeks...which
is why I'm not around and, aside from my curiosity about the immaturity
of you and your fellows, I won't have time to hang out on a chat forum.
Meanwhile, do enjoy rolling around in your pram. I love England, you
know, and hav wonderful friends here; it's too bad that, on this forum,
I have encountered at least one hooligan."

This guy gets mortally offended if we express disagreement with his
opinions, and resorts to insults at the drop of a hat and then believes
that it's all *our* fault because we're immature.

Quite frankly, I'm speechless.

Onwards and upwards...


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