thingfish;164224 Wrote: 
> I haven't thought about that kind of speakers yet but it makes sense
> since I like that clean quality. I am not fixed on the Stridbecks BTW.
> Does using such speakers mean that there would be no need at all for an
> amp ?
Yes, active studio monitors have built-in power amps, so you wouldn't
need an amp at all.

thingfish;164224 Wrote: 
> Also do you know of any good ones or where to start looking ? 
Well, my default recommendation is ATC, but looking at the price of the
Stridbecks, I think ATC is probably beyond your budget (unless you can
find them secondhand). Some companies that make monitors in your price
range would be Dynaudio, Genelec, JBL; I'm sure there are many others.
Pat Farrell is the guy around here who would know more. The best thing
to do would be to visit a pro studio dealer to get an idea of what's
available. One tip: if your listening room is a "normal" lounge, you'll
need to avoid speakers described as "nearfield monitors": they are
specifically designed to be used at close range, and tend not to work
well in larger rooms.


Performers -> dozens of mixers and effects -> clipped/hypercompressed
mastering -> you think a few extra ps of jitter matters?
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