
Just to say Thank you for posting what bits you used, and how you put
your linear psu together :)

Had a little time over Christmas, and had a bash, somewhat supprised at
how large the bits were, but hay, it looked a good bit of kit.  I know
my stereo stuff is pretty basic to some, but it was quite clear the
change in sound comming out.

Quite a bit more top end than what I'm used to, a lot more open, and a
nice improvement in soundstage, which I guess comes from the more
complete top end?

Going to let it ride for a day or so to see if I get used to the more
complete/prominent top.  Voices sound more complete :)

Nice and involving when sitting and listening, but a somewhat lack in
bass when in other rooms. Volume also seems to have dropped on the
usual listening level it seems quiter, maybe its due to the wider
soundstage and more complete top that take a bit of the amps

Fab tweek to get that little more out of whats on the shelf already,
Cheers !!

|Filename: PC280078.JPG                                             |
|Download: http://forums.slimdevices.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=2191|

Deaf Cat
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