lafayette;165439 Wrote: 
> And it illustrates  your character, both in the way you jumped in and in
> this reply, quite well.  It also illustrates the supposed certitude of
> self-proclaimed experts, like yourself, who really haven't a clue as to
> what they're talking about.
> You know, an example came to mind.  I love Quads and have had one or
> another pair on hand for at least twenty years.  Now, all speakers make
> sacrifices to achieve certain goals.  Quads sacrifice body, a degree of
> warmth, and bass response in the name of extremely linear response and
> point-source directionality.
> A point source is the most accurate source for stereo imaging.  Few
> people would argue that Quads are at the top of the game in this
> department.  Properly positioned Quads are amongst the best, if not the
> equal of the very best, in the imaging department.  You have to position
> them carefully: they need 4-7' from the wall and they must be aligned
> on-axis to the listner.  Do this and you will get exceptional stereo
> reproduction.  Also, you will not hear a "wider" sound stage than the
> speakers.  What you will hear is an exceptional sound stage.  Wilsons
> and Audio Physic excel at imaging, although not to the same degree, but
> they make up for it in body and heft...while avoiding, like Gradients,
> many of the problems of early reflections.
> But, alas, I looked you up.  If there is a flame war, you're in it. 
> You have a clear history of attacking strangers, throwing out ad
> hominem and very personal insults, and otherwise being a punk with few
> social skills.  You curse, too, openly and rudely, and that says a
> great deal about your character (along with your ignorance and
> arrogance, of course).  How does it feel to get it back in your face? 
> Of course, you are probably too stubborn to notice.  How you
> demonstrated your lack of knowledge on this thread, though, tickles me.

Umm.... You posted an ot thread, someone pointed it out, you took it
personally, and proceeded to spin out the thread complaining about it.

You then took your last post to make an ot point on an ot thread (neat
trick-- polynomial ot-ness), and to subsequently make an ad hominem
(since the only point here seems to be whether the thread is ot).

The problematic behavior here seems to be pretty much all yours.


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