Skunk;165867 Wrote: 
> Avoiding a wireless hop to the server is obviously better in your
> situation, but others get away with it. I guess it depends on your
> walls.
And the files you're streaming. You are much more likely to get drop
outs with higher bandwidth lossless formats like Flac than with highly
compressed lower bandwidth formats like mp3.
For reliability an all wired setup is definitely best, two wireless
hops is the worst. Most people use one wireless hop (to Squeezebox)
With 128k mp3s you are quite likely to get perfect streaming across two
wireless hops as long as you have good signal strength. With any
lossless files the result is uncertain (although as Flac is decoded on
the Squeezebox itself it should perform best of all the lossless
formats as it will require a little less than half of the bandwidth of
other lossless formats which are decoded on the computer and streamed
to the Squeezebox as PCM)

Caveat: I may be wrong and often am.



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