tyler_durden;166127 Wrote: 
> No.  I was trying to understand why so many people feel that everything
> audio must be modified to get satisfactory performance.  Why does this
> urge apply to only a few areas- audio and engines being the main ones I
> can think of?
> Is it more cost effective to modify a less expensive item or to buy an
> item whose performance satisfies you without any modification?
> What is the historical origin of the audio modification industry?  Is
> the modification business as old as the hi-fi business?
> TD

It's as old as Man... or at least Males.

Look at the people who Overclock and tweak every piece of PC hardware
imaginable.   That goes back to people playing with tubes and reading
Popular Mechanics in their basement...

Actually, that there may be the key: pick up a copy of PM and notice
that despite the name it isnt just about cars, it is about anything you
can take a screwdriver to and open up.  I never liked cars, but when I
was a kid I read PM every month for columns on electronics and

Part of my "Everything you want to know about people, you can learn
from TV": watch Home Improvement and you will understand males.

"More Power" is always better.

(Or listen to Ray Davies tell his story of the Little Green Amp on his
Storyteller cd.)

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