I'm lifting my post from another forum in hopes of understanding the
Transporters audio capabilities.

I have an Anthem AVM50 pre-amp and Anthem MCA 50 Amp.

Currently, I have the Transporter connected to the pre-amp using
balanced XLR cables.

It appears some people recommend using digital out via AES/EBU or BNC

This is where I become somewhat confused. Perhaps, my newness to this
technology is causing my thinking to become flawed.

If one of the most important feature of the Transporter is it's dac,
doesn't using a digital out render this feature useless since the
Anthems's dac would be used instead? I thought using the analog
balanced out to the pre-amp was the only way to take advantage of the
Transporter's dac. Maybe there is more going on within the Transporter
than I am aware?

Please advice as I want to be sure I am taking full advantage of what
the Transporter offers.

On another note, It appears BNC S/PDIF is not available on my AVM 50,
I've never used such a connection, but don't see anything that
resembles a connection matching the Transporter, I assume both ends
match? Would the AES/EBU option available to me provide an adequate
alternative if BNC S/PDIF is not an option?



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