lafayette wrote:
> Perhaps it is simply your manner or the way I interpreted an abrasive
>  and/or curt post.

My reply was indeed terse, but your initial "challenge" was hardly
neutral: "Pray, do expound upon..." - a little condescending, don't you

Having said that, I do seem to rub you up the wrong way - this isn't the
first time you've reacted this way.

> Having said that, I am an attorney, and as open source matters to 
> you, logic matters to me.

Ok, if you want to be like that about it ...

> You did not state an opinion.  You stated something as a matter of 
> fact.

In my original post I actually presented two facts "expounding" why I
believe FLAC to be superior to both ALAC and AIFF:

1. FLAC is open source, not proprietary

2. FLAC takes up less space than AIFF,

These are incontrovertible facts, presented in support of my opinion.

> As a matter of fact, in terms of audio, the two formats are 
> equivalent.

But of course. They are both lossless, so the decoded audio will be the
same from both formats. However, note that you have inserted a
qualifying clause here: "in terms of audio".

If you look back, your original question was:

> Pray, do expound upon how FLAC is superior to Apple Lossless (which 
> is not lossy)?  Or AIFF, which is not lossy and uncompressed, for 
> that matter?

Note that you make no mention of audio in either of those questions.
Hence my reply took other factors into consideration. Also note that you
didn't say "which is the best: FLAC, ALAC, or AIFF"; had you done so, my
reply would have been different still. I may have listed the benefits of
all three formats and presented a discourse as to their relative merits.
I may then have summarised by suggesting that the "best" format depends
on the purpose for which it is to be used.

> No one is forcing you to use an Apple codec.  You want open source? 
> Then how about turning to Microsoft?  Apple Lossless is perfect for 
> audio, just as much as FLAC, and it is convenient for Apple users. 
> Incidentally, Apple users comprise 3% or so of the market.  I don't 
> think you need to feel threatened by them.

I'm perfectly happy in my choice of audio formats, and I'm perfectly
happy that Mac users may choose Apple formats as they are more
convenient to work with on the Mac platform.

Nothing further to add, m'lud.


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