tomjtx;171591 Wrote: 
> I did a review of a full modded Bolder SB with the 750.00 PSU V the
> Transporter.
> The TP was clearly better in every respect and I think it would be a
> waste of money to go the mod route. The full Bolder mods cost more than
> the TP and doesn't sound as good IMHO.
> I also tried a stock elpac into the bolder mods and it sounded the same
> as the 750.00 psu. 
> The ultimate psu is the largest unecessary outlay IMO.
> I also have a bolder modded elpac and compared it to the stock elpac ,
> no difference.
> Your best bang for buck is a stock elpac SB into a good dac. 
> Modding the SB just didn't give good results in my system:
> Watt/Puppies>Rowland amps.
> The TP IS worth the money and gives far superior results IMO.
> Of course , all this is subjective opinion, only you can decide. But I
> would never buy something(especially pricey mods) without a lenghty
> in-home audition

Have you changed your opinion? Correct me if I'm mistaken but I believe
that you did audition a Bolder Squeezebox and compared it  to your
Transporter and didn't really come to a definitive conclusion. You said
that, in your opinion, it was a toss up and it came down to just a
matter of taste. I think that the results of your shootout are no
longer available on the forum server but I didn't do an extensive
search. Please state the reason(s) for your new point of view.


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