My reason for keeping the cue files is to exactly recreate the CDs
should I ever need to. The cue sheet is a simple text file that keeps
the gap information. Just look at the EAC menus, you'll quickly find
the one for generating the cue file.
I always rip CDs so each track is ripped as an individual file (even
for mix CDs). However, you can rip a whole CD as a single file and use
the cue file as a playlist for the ripped album. I wouldn't recommend
this as I believe SlimServer is still not too great at dealing with cue
I keep each cue file in the same directory as the music files and get
SlimServer to ignore the file type (Server Settings/File Types/DISABLED
PLAYLIST FILE EXTENSIONS). If you don't disable the cue file type you'll
probably get lots of oddities as an unmodified cue file will reference
the wav files EAC generates and not the Flac files the compression app
then generates.

It is very important you set EAV up corectly. Make sure you spend some
time doing this before starting to rip. For instance you can only
perfectly regenerate CDs if you have the offset for your CDRom drive
set correctly in EAC.



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