CFP;174842 Wrote: 
> Well yeah if the track was mastered with clipping in it, gaining it down
> wouldn't do anything.  However what is the differential in power between
> a "quiet" track and a "loud" track played at the same perceived SPL with
> respect to the amplifier?

If I understand your question, you're asking what's the difference for
amp clipping between playing a file with the digital volume turned
down, versus one with the digital volume at max but the integrated amp
volume down, such that the SPL levels are the same?

I think the answer is there is no difference - the SPL is more or less
directly related to the amp's power output, which is what determines if
it clips (at least here where the frequency content of the two signals
in question is identical).  You'll probably get better signal/noise
with the digital volume at max, and as I said above it's possible the
DAC will handle digital clipping better with the digital volume turned
down, but for amp clipping I don't see why there should be any

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