opaqueice;176257 Wrote: 
> No offense intended, but I couldn't disagree with you more.  A huge
> proportion of "high-end" audio products are total garbage, at least
> from a price/performance point of view.  It's true a $15,000 wire will
> conduct electricity, but so will a 10 cent wire, and so by any
> reasonable standard the $15,000 version should get a very, very bad
> review.  Instead the reviewers spout nonsense about speed, timing,
> extension, etc., when in truth they'd be incapable of picking the thing
> out in a blind test.  It's pretty despicable, really.

If it is better, even marginally, then there is a cost/benefit analysis
that may differ depending on your circumstances.  If I am Bill Gates, I
may see that $15k as so small that I may as well, but if I am living on
slightly humbler means, I may instead choose to feed my children.

I think almost all decent audio equipment sounds pretty good.  Some I
prefer to others, some I think are great bargains, others I don't
understand what people see in them (I am glad Mr Floding prefers his
old Krell, for example!).

I have heard systems priced above £100k that sound (to my ears) much
worse than mine.  Others liked them.  However, I know no-one who
actually spends that much on audio - I'd need a load of dough to
justify that sort of audio spend, given what else could be done with
that cash!

And I do agree that a reviewer should be able to pick out such
differently-priced products in a blind test.



SB3 into Derek Shek d2, Shanling CDT-100, Rotel RT-990BX, Esoteric Audio
Research 859, Living Voice Auditorium IIs, Nordost cables
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