Eric Carroll;180295 Wrote: 
> I went option B. Don't forget *good speakers*, which are, IMHO more
> important than good amp for the set of amps that are "good enough"
> (flat frequency response, THD <= .5%, good power cube behaviour). And
> don't forget to check out
> if you go this
> way.
> Personally I am not totally sold on room correction for stereo,
> although I must admit my HT has it and I do use it. I want to
> investigate the listening room performance before I start adding
> correction. Its pretty good as it is I think.

>From everything that I have read on room correction, there seems to be
little doubt that appropriate speaker placement and good room acoustics
(with treatments if necessary) beat even the best frequency response
adjustments.  For me, WAF yields lousy speaker placement and mediocre
room acoustics, so I am anxious to try out the Inguz plugin when I have
some time to fiddle with it.

On my previous system, in the same location, I found that I liked the
sound much better when I flattened out the frequency response curve as
much as I could with a 9-band equalizer (Audiophiles, queue shuddering
now, lol).

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