mmg_fan wrote:
> Just starting to build my classical music library and need a really good
> 'objective' site for reviews of classical cd's.

This doesn't directly answer your question, but I've found a more
fundamental question, especially in the audiophile context.

What kind of "classical" music do you want to listen to? Not the period, 
but do you want full symphonic orchestras? smaller orchestras? Chamber 
music? Solo or small group tunes?

In my living room, where my audiophile system (transporter, etc.) are,
I just can't accept a full orchestra. They won't fit. So while
many of the standard pieces, say the Muti / Philly orchestra Beethoven 
Symphonies sound good and are enjoyable, I can't break the memory in my 
head of what they sounded like at the Kennedy Center, and there are just
too many people to fit in my living room.

So I find that I can accept the illusion of listening to live musicians
with smaller groups.

A real orchestra playing a big piece at FF or FFF is really loud and big.


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