oreillymj;187420 Wrote: 
> See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HDCD
> Looks like the format was bought by MS and abandoned.
> Wiki says that media player has support for these disc, so I dug out my
> Flaming Lips - Soft Bulletin which has a HDCD logo on it.
> Media player played the disk but gave no indication that there was
> anything unusual going on.
> Now in theory if you rip to WAV or FLAC and send it through your SB
> without applying gain or digital volume control to a compatible  DAC,
> you should achieve the same result as playing the CD on a PC through
> media player.

There's a whole thread on this subject elsewhere. You need MP9 or 10.
You also need to capture the MP output as a 20-bit WAVEX file and then
convert to 24-bit Flac or WAV.

MS may have abandoned the format, but labels are still putting out HDCD
disks (occasionally).

Phil Leigh
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