johann;188435 Wrote: 
> I was there yesterday picking up MF X-DACv8 for test. :)
> I supposed you used the TACT as DAC, is that correct?
> When auditioning the kW750, did you use the internal DAC of the DVD?
> The Avanti you be a huge improvement compared to any cheap SAs but
> there are some SAs that sound very good too, like the Explorer for
> instance.


The tact millennium is a powerd dac so we just connect a singelended
digital cable to the dvd players -digital out-.

The transporter when used as an dedikated transporet works wonders when
connected directly to the millennium 
sound is so pure.

A guitar really sounds like a guitar and so on .

Before i had 2 lyngdorf tda2200 amps lyngdorf cd-1 and roomperfect
roomcorrection w210 corner subs gamut l3 speakers hydra 8 with all
anaconda vx cables special platforms and vertex aq cabels .

I gladly sold it all and bourgt a tact  milennium mk3 had that
completly moddified then a Transporter wich also is moddified and
system audio 99 as tempoary speakers wich basicly is the cheapes worst
speaker system ever made.

What puzzels me is that the  sound in my room with that gear sounds
alot better then my former  references system ever sounded .
and thats with the cheap speakers stock cabels no roomcorrection no
nothing .wonder will happen when i get the cremonas;  )

The Transporter have alot to do with this fantastic sound its so
I would really had liked to demo the calendras again but this time with
the transporter as sourch.


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