Nostromo;188600 Wrote: 
> He's not denying that high-end gear measures better than cheaper gear,
> but that doesn't necessarily make a difference in terms of perceived
> sound quality. 

The measurable differences can be considered as fact but I was refering
to hearable differences. It's ignorant and stupid to claim there is no
hearable difference because that statement is falsified by one person
hearing a differene. 

Nostromo;188600 Wrote: 
> If people graced with the golden ear couldn't tell the difference
> between the Squeezebox and the transporter in a series of
> methodologically valid ABX tests, I would conclude that I couldn't tell
> the difference myself and, hence, wouldn't invest in a Transporter. 

Only thing I would conclude was that those people couldn't hear a
difference and then I would still trust my own ears. 

If did't hear the difference, I would not consider buying the
Tranporter because of better sound but still for other reasons.

Nostromo;188600 Wrote: 
> Unless money was no object, of course. After all, the Transporter is a
> very cool gadget. :) Although I would like to ABX them myself.

It is kind of cool and I did do the comparisation, I have no doubts
that the Transporter sounds way better than the SB. Comparing it to my
combination with SB and an external DAC is tougher and I'm not sure it
sounds that much better to justify a purchase for that reason solely.

BTW, I have now a new Musical Fidelity DAC for test, the X-DACv8. First
impression is a better sound than the X-DAC-v3 but I need to listen some
more and then also try to AB test it. :)

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