At risk of taking the thread off topic (or, perhaps, deeply on-topic),
what do people really want from an office / bedroom / kitchen system?

For the office I use (FLACs on) my iPod with the rubbish supplied
headphones - most of the time I need to hear what is going on, and need
to hear the phone ring.  Occasionally, when I'm deep in code, I need
some Bach, but sadly those moments are getting rarer.  If my payscale
moves the way I want it to, they'll stop altogether soon.  The supplied
headphones are better than my Etymotics as I can hear the hubbub!

My kitchen system sounds nice but inoffensive: NAD 402 tuner, Mind-Da
amp and Harbeth speakers.  I use it for performance on (BBC radio) 3, a
(generally) stunning live classical programme which coincides nicely
with my cooking times.

My computer system (T-Amp into Wharfedale 8.1s) is really used only for
games and TV (my computer is my TV).

I've seen people with decent office systems but I don't know many jobs
that allow you to really get into the music.  For me, an office system
couldn't be that good - I'd never get any work done!  It needs to sound
convincing but not gripping.  My own main system would be totally
inappropriate, as it is the kind of sound that draws you in (rather
than impresses you with its frequency response and dynamics, say).

So my definition of what you need for different environments:
Main system - just bl**dy good :)
Kitchen - 'nice' and top-tapping, fun to chop veg to
Office - just about good enough so it doesn't detract as background

Presumably you just need a bedroom system to pay Barry White, but I'm
married so I don't need one :)



SB3 into Derek Shek d2, Shanling CDT-100, Rotel RT-990BX, Esoteric Audio
Research 859, Living Voice Auditorium IIs, Nordost and Anti-cables
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