srw;189804 Wrote: 
> I'm thinking of getting an sd3 to intergrate with my existing hifi and
> possibly replace my cd collection. I currently have an arcam a85 amp
> and cd73 cd player with a pair of dynaudio focus 110 all set up in my
> living room. My windows xp machine currently has all my music stored on
> it, but they are all mp3 with a bitrate of 320 kbps. 
> I want to be able to use the pc as the server, but really don’t want to
> lose any sound quality over my arcam cd73, and I would rather not buy a
> dac just yet, as I would like to have fewer boxes not more!
> Do I need to rip all my music again to flac to get the best quality,
> and use a dac to get as good results as a dedicated cdp?
> I also listen to a lot of internet radio, which I presume I could do
> through my hifi with sd3?
> Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks
> Simon

Something's not clear for me: you say you got all your music stored on
a PC and you want to use it as a server; do you already listen to the
music in the PC or did you rip it with the intention of making a
server? If you have all your CDs in 320 kbps, just buy a Squeezebox and
listen, 320 is very good. Then you rip a few CDs in Flac and compare
them to the mp3s, you might get surprised and if you still need to
switch to Flac you can do it at your own pace, beginning with the best
sounding CDs. I began my music server 7 years ago and i haven't still
replaced all the MP3s, now i rip only to Flac.

As for the dac, the Squeezebox is really good, you can use it alone
first and try some good dacs.

The Squeezebox is perfect for internet radio.

Best regards,

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