coop250 --

My end-to-end balanced headphone setup is wonderful (warning: very
addictive!). I noticed a slight increase in detail and a very
signficant improvement in imaging over the high-end unbalanced
headphone system I had before (both with Transporter as source).  I
have yet to find a headphone amp with a built-in DAC that sounds better
than the Transporter.

I, too, prefer having analog volume control in the headphone pre/amp
(and in my Bryston preamp, for that matter).  I have never really tried
doing a digital/analog vol control listening test, but it always seemed
counter-intuitive to me to spend all the time and effort getting
bit-perfect rips in EAC only to then start modifying those same bits
for volume control in the digital stage...

So far, I only have my AKG 701s wired for balanced use.  I have read
good things about Sennheiser HD650s in balanced mode, and am thinking
about getting a set of balanced cables for my pair.  I don't have a
pair of Grados yet.  I noticed that Moon Audio (
sells the GS1000, RS1 & RS2 cabled for balanced usage.  I'm very
curious about the GS1000.

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