cliveb wrote:

> Make a 24 bit recording from vinyl, at a decent recording level (eg. 
> peaking no lower than about -3dB). Take a copy, and convert it to 16 
> bit. (You can even just truncate the bottom eight bits without dither
>  if you like: vinyl is so noisy that it makes no difference). Now use
>  something like Foobar2000's ABX tool to see if you can tell them
> apart.
This is basically what I did when I compared 16 bit vs 24 bit recordings 
from my SACD player, but I did not use a full ABX as I have no decent 
way of directly connecting my PC to my stereo. I can't read the SB 
display properly from my listening position so I did not see which 
version of the track I was playing, but the difference was quite clear.
Unfortunately I do not have my vinyl rig running at the moment so I can
not do a new test now.

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