The Bryston's appear to be built like brick out houses. They are
incredibly solid and heavy. The damage could have been caused whilst I
was driving from Pease Pottage to Barcombe but as the amp was in it's
box in the boot of my TT and I did not drive across fields I doubt it.

I really do think it's all a coincidence but we shall see what Bryston
say. They are interested in the problem and interested in the
Transporter as they have asked me for details of the unit.

Andy... Bryston have been perfect to deal with. They answered my query
about whether the amp had ever been returned for repairs before within
an hour (by email) and gave me tips and a speculative diagnosis over
the phone. They suggested I return it and immediately supplied me with
a returns number. I think they are genuinely interested in the problem.
I don't think they see one of their amps go phut very often.

nuhli... do I understand you correctly?... do you run a Bryston 4B ST
(or SST) into OB1s with a Transporter? If so, can you get the volume
extremely loud indeed?

I want extreme volume.



It is far better to grasp the Universe as it really is than to persist
in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring.

Transporter > Bryston 4B ST > PMC OB1s
SB3 > NAIM NAC 102 > NAIM NAP 180 > Shahinian Arcs
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