In the interest of WAF, I decided to do away with the audioquest crystal
speaker cable (someone here referred to it as Garden watering hose or
some such). Step1 was to replace it with some Kimber 4PR that was going
cheap on CAM (CanuckAudioMart), in doing so I went from bi-amp/bi-wire
to bi-amp only (a pair of bryston 2B's) - so I had to put the cheap
stamped gold colored jumpers back on. Too many variables to make a
definite conclusion, but it sounds alright to my tin ears! Actually
some 'sparkle' restored, perhaps. Next step is to cut the 4PR's in half
and terminate them into something other than the cheap AMX bananas and
go back to bi-wiring and loose the jumpers.

As an interim, interim I might cut 6inches of the Kimber and use that
as jumpers, unterminated. We shall see, as time permits. Really, I
would rather just listen to the music then muck about.

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