krochat;199365 Wrote: 
> The TacT RCS uses an AD1896 ASRC to convert all digital input to 96kHz
> for internal processing. It does an audibly worse job of converting
> 44.1 kHz input to 96kHz than it does converting 48kHz input to 96kHz
> (that is, non-integral conversions are worse than integral conversions
> - the same point I think you've been trying to make). 
> Adobe Audition is sonically superior to the AD1896 at converting
> 44.1kHz to either 48kHz or 96kHz. The TacT guys convert to 48kHz since
> that's the most the SB3 supports (and it saves disk space).
> Regards,
> Kim

This I have to do you start with a 16/44.1 wav, upsample it to
48k with audition and re-flac it?

Phil Leigh
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