willyhoops;200953 Wrote: 
> I saw the article by Janis Ian. I can't see the bit where he got to 2%
> but it looks like a complete junk article. For example:
> Even the copyright abolish fans here are surley not arging that file
> sharing has had no financial hard on anyone. 
> There is no quality control on the internet. If you search around you
> will find that September the 11th was a US / Israeli plot as well. And
> Dianna was murdered by the MI6. And that they never landed on the
> moon... Do you believe these things as well?
Do you at all know who Janis Ian is? If you call that article a junk
article it's obvious who you are. So tell me, how much did your company
invest in a DRM company or how much did you get paid by the RIAA and

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