willyhoops;201261 Wrote: 
> Ah so these bum deals have generated a lot of publicity, thrown a lot of
> confusion on the topic, and given the record companies a bad name. Still
> maybe it's getting carried away to junk the whole industry on the basis
> of that.

It's not a matter of being a bum deal.  For a small independent record
company, they are taking unknowns and helping them to make records;
some work and do very well, while others flop.  It's a risk, and the
classic approach is to diversify the portfolio and hope you choose a
few good'uns.  In order to do well, a band needs a lot of promotion, so
there is a huge cost for a small label.

The problem comes with the big boys, who often sign the big names as
loss-leaders (just like the book industry!), and have to put huge
amounts through as recoupable expenses on the rest of their artists,
just to balance their books.  These artists never recoup.

So a small artist can either go with a small label, who will care about
them but is quite unlikely to make them into a new Britney Spears, or
they can go to a major, who might make them big but they'll never get
any money out of it until they have enough clout to renegotiate their
contract.  Of course, new bands are desperate for a contract, so will
often sign away all sorts of rights.

Naturally these are polarised examples spun rather negatively, but it
gives a taste of the situation.  The problem is that there is no better
business model out there at the moment, but it will change - it needs
to!  But DRM will not force a change in the right way.



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