Patrick Dixon;210578 Wrote: 
> There is a proportion of the industry that appears to be selling
> snake-oil, and a proportion that are selling things that genuinely do
> make a difference, but are wrapped up in pseudo-scientific bullshit. 
> To some extent customers are getting what they deserve, because
> customers do seem to prefer to buy equipment with fancy spec-sheets and
> 'dark-art' circuitry, blind.   In general, too much honesty doesn't
> pay.
> There is no good way to buy high-end audio equipment from the internet.
> There just isn't any substitute for experience and for listening, and
> if you don't want to spend the time and do the graft, you just have to
> go with someone you trust and take your chances.  But, be aware, that
> those who shout loudest are not always right, identical equipment does
> sound different in different setups, and different people do like
> different things.

I think we should frame this quote and have it as a sticky at the top
of every page on this forum.

BTW it's actually quite easy to spot much of the bullsh*t. When people
write it, they have a habit of using what I call "bullsh*t marks" -
punctuation which resembles the apostrophe, but when used in a
description of a piece of audio equipment, means that either the author
is clueless, or knows perfectly well that what they're writing is total

Try it: pick a manufacturer of any controversial piece of equipment -
cable burn-in devices, CD demagnetisers, miracle jitter squishers or
whatever - and read the "scientific" explanations they offer of how
their product works. Watch for the bullsh*t marks and report back your
favourite examples :)

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