IvanSlade;214171 Wrote: 
> All was working well on my SB3 and then after installing ver3.5.2 - or
> so it seemed - I began to get some crackle, some loud pops and then at
> time it would stop whilst playing a track, pressing enter would play a
> track again sometimes it would carry on OK other times not. I reduced
> the UDP to 1200, updated the sound firmware, turned the volume to max
> and about everything I can think of and read. Signal strength 70%+.
> Just installed 5.3 hoping it would be resolved, but it has not.
> Is the only way to test if it the packet streaming is to use a cross
> over RJ45 directly into the ethernet port? Any ideas, I suspect this
> has been covered elsewhere.
> Best
> Ivan
> SB3 modded, Tact system.

It's not possible for the stream to get corrupted that way - so don't
worry about cabling or the LAN. It could be that a bug has been
introduced in the decoder you're using, but that would have been
unlikely to slip through. Another possibility is that it's a hardware
problem that surfaced at about the same time, but is completely
unrelated to the update.

What file format are you playing? 

Do you get the same behavior with MP3 as with FLAC/WAV?

What happens with Squeezenetwork / internet radio?

If you get the same behavior regardless of the format or the source,
then the issue is definitely in the Squeezebox itself.

Another thing to try is to reprogram the CPLD which is done by pressing
and holding power until the unit starts to reset, and then pressing

Also what mods have been done to it?

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