jdbaker;216031 Wrote: 
> Finally got around to putting this together, got SS running on the old
> box and everything seemed cool until I tried to direct SS to the
> networked drives where the music and playlists are contained. To
> refresh, I have an old XP that I have hard wired into my network, we
> will call that computer B, my music is connected via external HD to
> computer A, my Itunes XML file is located on computer A. When I run SS
> on computer B and in the SS settings for Itunes direct it to the
> network drive I get this "oops F:\Itunes\Itunes Music doesn't seem to
> be a valid directory". I called SD support and the guy really did not
> listen to me, just said you need a UNC path and would email me the
> directions to create one. Ok,\\doug\3RDHD(F)\ITUNES\ITUNES MUSIC
> produces the exact same error message. Directing computer A to this
> directory works perfectly and I can access this directory on computer B
> through My Computer. Anyone have any ideas? I have come so far, I just
> need to access my music.

Is SlimServer running as a Windows service or as a user process ("run
at logon" or somesuch wording in SlimTray)?

If it's running as a service, then you may have to run the service
under a Windows user account instead of the built-in SYSTEM account. 
Create an account specifically for SlimServer and modify the service
startup to use this account.  Then try again to enter the UNC path to
the library.


JJZolx's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=10
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=35806

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