zanash;219874 Wrote: 
> not nessearily a great solution as the volume is in the digital domain
> ...and correct me if I'm wrong but it affects the resolution of the
> output signal ....
This subject has been done to death on many occasions in these forums,
and here is probably not the place to open the same can of worms once

zanash;219874 Wrote: 
> I run mine in digital only output the volume is reduced I can hear
> the effects it has on the sound ....try doing this but increase the amps
> volume to keep the output the same ....the sound now [for me anyway ] is
> distinctly flat no sparkle
In order to use the digital volume control successfully, you need to
get the basic gain staging right to start with. Turning down the
digital volume and increasing the downstream gain to compensate is
definitely the wrong way to do it. (And if you're doing it to show that
the digital volume control is bad, then you're only proving that it
doesn't work when you deliberately get the gain staging wrong).


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