truckfighters wrote:
> why is it always that my threads turn out into battles?
> guys - PLEASE - this thread is only about modding the transporter and
> what you people think about the sound of it after the modification.
> I want to hear voices of people who really for instance heard tube
> components of modwright before. Or can recommend any other good modded
> TP.

You can just listen for any postings if anyone springs for the mod.

The comments seem to be saying that it makes little sense to other 
Audiophiles. Which is weird itself, since audiophiles go for some really 
strange things. Mega dollar cables, magic rocks to hold cables, etc. are 
accepted in the audiophile world, so something that makes little sense 
would raise flags for me.

The modwright hack will clearly change the sound, whether it is good or 
bad is a personal question, its an effect, and no other person except 
you an say whether or not it is a good/pleasing effect.

Even if someone had it and loved it, that would not be good enough to 
make me run out to get it.

The advantage of a tube buffer/preamp is that it won't destroy your 
$2000 US Transporter, which is a £2000 item in the UK. While folks who 
love the new sound will not call it 'destroy', if you don't like it, you 
are not only out the $2000 for the mod, you are out the 2K for the 
original transporter.

It might be a very good mod, but I'd be amazed if they sell more than 
five of them before the Transporter is replaced by something cooler and 
more powerful. I don't see any point in asking the forum for only 
experience with it.

YMMV, etc.
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