truckfighters;224488 Wrote: 
> hi there,
> as some might remember, my first thread about good transporter MODS
> turned out into something nobody wanted.

I'm having a bad case of deja vu here.

truckfighters;224488 Wrote: 
> the earlier mentioned tube stage mod for transporter is available now
> so I am pretty much wondering if anybody living in the us will be able
> to hear it / buy it soon and might post some findings. since I live in
> germany, I would be quite happy to hear some reviews before I send my
> transporter to the US for having it modded by modwright.

I think it's great you're taking a cautious approach before sending
your TP anywhere.

You might find that you might get more improvement if you spent your
hard-earned money in other areas. e.g. room, loudspeakers, room
correction and if they are all sorted, amplification.

The Audio Critic guys have made my blood boil on so many occasions. But
the more I learn, the more I head *toward* their way of thinking. I can
see you don't lean that way, so I'm not going to criticise. But I will
share my own thoughts, and maybe it will help. :-)

For example, I wondered at one time why the pro audio industry likes
active loudspeakers. Was it for the convenience of amp and speaker in
the same package? Wrong. Active amplification is normally bi-amped or
tri-amped. That means you have line-level or digital cross-overs which
work better than one amp trying to drive a complex, difficult load
(classic hi-fi loudspeaker with crossovers).

Why spend $100k on a system designed on flawed principles? Isn't it
best to get the architecture right first?

I wondered why the pro-audio wasn't afraid to use correction like room
correction or equalisation (once they have optimised the listening
space as much as possible). Was it because they were lazy and didn't
have equipment with "tonal accuracy" like hi-end gear? Wrong. It's
because a flat frequency response is one of the totally necessary
ingredients of accurate reproduction!

A lot of what we do in "high-end" doesn't make sense. I decided to take
a step back and re-evaluate the big picture. I am still doing my
research, which is why I have spent no significant money on my bad
hi-fi habit lately.


SB3 -> Sony DAS-703ES DAC -> Krell KAV-300i -> PMC AB-1 (home-made room
treatments and supports)
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