Eric Carroll;173867 Wrote: 
> I just finished recommissioning my old Rotel system as the world's
> largest distributed alarm clock in the bedroom. 180Wpc ought to wake me
> up!
> My alarm clock configuration is SB3 -> Rotel RB-890 -> B&W Matrix 805
> bookshelf speakers. Note that the SB3 is about 6.5 dB hot on line
> levels for the RB890 (1V input sensivity). I *do not* have proper
> analog attenuators installed yet (still looking for an easily orderable
> Canadian source), so the noise floor is definately double the volume it
> should be. I have the Preamp Volume Control set to -6.5 dB to keep me
> from being blown out of bed in the morning by accident.
> Since the RB890 has no trigger I leave the amp on even when the SB3 is
> in powered off mode (not really off...). The SB3 is set not to turn off
> audio when "powered off".
> I have noticed that on the right channel only, with no music playing,
> there is a perceptible high frequency tone. It is very low volume,
> right in the noise floor. Because the room is so small and quiet, I do
> hear it even a few feet away. My hearing has always been very sensitive
> to very high audio frequencies (although this is definately falling off
> as I age).
> I have tried the following steps to debug this:
> 1. I swapped the R/L channels at the SB3. The tone follows the channel
> (i.e. when I swapped L for R the tone moved to the L speaker).
> 2. I flipped the SB3->RB890 RCA cable R/L on both sides. Problem
> remained on the R channel.
> 3. I tried a second SB3 I have on hand, same results.
> 4. I moved the wall wart switcher PSU from right beside the amp to
> around a corner, far away from the amp.
> 5. I have changed the brightness levels.
> (1) implies the problem is either the SB3->RB890 interconnect cable or
> the SB3 itself (problem moved channels, so it is not the amp or
> interference on the speaker cables)
> (2) eliminates one side of the cable as the problem (if it was the
> cable problem should have moved to L channel).
> (4) requires more explaination because it is the only change that
> impacts the tone I have made so far.
> The SB3 has 5 brightness levels (0 - off, 1-4 from dimmest to
> brightest).
> On display brightness 0, 4, and 1 there is no tone that I can pick out.
> Brightness 3 has the loudest tone. 2 is much less noticable. 
> The pitch of the tone is related to how much text is displayed on the
> SB3 screen (the tone changes between lots of text and a little text are
> not large).
> If I had to guess i would say the R channel in the SB3 is picking up
> some RFI from the computing cycles. 
> This rates as a "nit" not a big problem, because I do not hear this
> tone when playing music (usually at volume 40-50 right now). Its just
> an issue when not playing music because I leave the amp powered up and
> the tone is somewhat evident. Also I did *not* notice this in the
> previous room that I had the SB3/RB890 in (now replaced by
> Transporter/Bryston) - it was a much larger room and I was much further
> away from the speakers.
> Has anyone else experienced this?
> Will this go away with proper attenuation?
> Are there any other suggestions to resolve this?

Suggestion for attenuation. Have noe expirence with it my self, but i
have read some pro audio/home studio use it or an other m - patch

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