Glad that seeing my calibration file was helpful.  There are some others
around that show a similar response curve, though none seem to be as bad
as mine (out by more than 9db).

> Gotta admit a professionally calibrated mic would come in handy, who
> knows what else dwells on these recordings.

I have exactly the same feeling.  After using Inguz for a few months, I
have more and more faith in DRC and less and less in my recording gear. 
I just have this feeling that my  ECM8000/Tascam122L aren't up to the
task.  My suspicion is that virtually any mic can record well enough to
do the phase correction, but that you need something professional to get
good frequency response correction (even a Radio Shack SPL). So, I have
an Earthworks M30 microphone and a Sounds Devices USB Pre audio
interface coming this week.  The M30 is supposed to be +/- 0.5 db, and
for another $50 you can call Earthworks with the mic's serial number
and get them to email a custom mic cal file.

I'll remeasure and post my results here when I have a chance.

If I don't get anywhere with my M30, I'll try your mods to the mic cal


SB3->Bryston BP25DA->Bryston 4B SST->Wilson Watt Puppy 7
Transporter via XLR->Headroom Max Balanced Headphone Amp->Balanced
AKG701s & HD650s
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