jaysung;229724 Wrote: 
> I was listening repeatedly to VERY WELL known peaces of music I own and
> had heard on both devices prior to testing.
> I did a sequential test until I reached signfficant recognition rates
> at a .0531% chance for errors of the first kint. 

Could you be more specific?  Once you started the test, did you keep
track of all your answers (not just some particular sequence of them)? 
What was your score?  

Our test wasn't that rigorous - we weren't really trying to determine
if the difference was audible, only whether we thought it was large
enough to matter.  My conclusion was no - I couldn't hear a difference,
but on unfamiliar material in an unfamiliar environment.  I've sometimes
had the experience in blind tests of thinking I couldn't hear anything
and then actually succeeding on the test.  Our test didn't prove
anything, nor was it intended to.

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