On Tue, 25 Sep 2007 02:22:03 -0700, simbo

>Yes they do exist...

I've been using a few of those Smart Drive 2002c enclosures for
several years and they work great.  At one time I ran a couple sata
cables out the back of my desktop PC and into a couple of those
sitting on the floor next to the case.  I couldn't hear the drives at
all and I'm very sensitive to high pitched noises.  Now I have those
enclosures doing the same setup on my server in a closet.

The drives do run a little hotter in there, but every time I checked
the SMART values the temperature was very reasonable. (don't remember
the actual numbers)  I never had a drive fail inside an enclosure, but
I probably never left a drive in there longer than two or three years
before upgrading for capacity.

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