Pat Farrell;230613 Wrote: 
> 44.1 is how we get perfect sound forever. Too bad it
> wasn't [EMAIL PROTECTED], we might have received what they claimed. But then,
> CD
> were aimed at replacing casettes, not LPs.
You probably know this, but the reasons we got 16/44.1:

As I recall, Philips wanted 14-bits; that was about the limit of good
DAC chips that could be produced for a reasonable price at the time. 
It was also what the EIAJ digital audio standard specified.  However,
Sony held out for 16-bits and eventually got Philips to accept it.

So far as 44.1, the compact disc standard was developed before the days
when computers (and hard drives) were up to the task of digital audio. 
They wanted a recording medium that could be edited, and so they
adapted existing U-matic video recorder technology to the task with the
PCM1610 processor.  They used the European 625-line, 50-field video
rate, and after they split it up into bits, they ended up with 44.1KHz.
(Most PCM adapters with also run at 525/60, and this ends up with a
sample rate of 44.056.)  I guess they could have done what Thomas
Stockham did, I believe he used an instrumentation recorder for his
system and got a somewhat higher sample rate, but I think Sony and
Philips prefered to use existing video recorder technology since it was
already widely available in the entertainment industry.  Also, they
probably had an eye toward integrating digital audio with video, and
achieving sync would have been more difficult at a oddball sample rate.

Timothy Stockman
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