I've attached my board layout based on John's schematic. The only change
is that I decided to mount the board vertically in my dac and hence
swung the In/Out board connectors down under the ground wire just to
the right of the 74 and below the 174. Depending on your dac chip you
may or may not need the sysclko. If you do, then just solder a wire to
the 47R connected to the clock. Specifically, the wire would connect to
the 47R lead that is also connected to pin 1 of the 04 chip (not the
lead soldered to the output pin of the clock). I soldered most of my
caps on the underside of the board in accordance with the instructions
in the tentlabs' whitepaper on decoupling provided on their site.
Further, the LM7808 may or may not be necessary depending on one's
voltage to power the board. The thing here is that you don't want too
much voltage entering the Tent Shunt Reg, and this is spec'd on
Tentlabs site. Again, this circuit is specific to an SB implementation
in that it accepts left justified format as the input and outputs i2s.

|Filename: SB3 Clock Layout v6.jpg                                  |
|Download: http://forums.slimdevices.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=3513|

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