harmonic wrote:
> Speakers are  a very  personal thing, the all sound different .
> I beleive in first find the speaker you like the sound of then find the
> amplifire that drives them best .
> But one problem  when you move up in higer caliber speakers the become
> more and more transperant, and if the upstram gear is not up to the
> task , the sound becomes  grainy or even anoying.
> But since it sounds like you have found a speaker you like i would
> considder the sb3+ mod or buy a transporter.
> As adam points out the source have a huge effect on have musical the
> systems sounds.
> I would much  rather have a  very good source and a lesser amp and
> speaker then the other way around.

I agree with all this.

I have very inexpensive amp/speaker combination - Rotel RC-870BX Pre and
RB-850 Power, both bought from ebay) and a pair of B&W DM610 speakers
that I bought new in 1989 with my student grant cheque! This combination
is sufficiently powerful enough and transparent for me to enjoy my
Transporter through it.

The only possible upgrade I would consider is a pair of powered
professional monitors, and that's more for the compactness and
convenience than anything else.


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