Phil Leigh wrote:
> If I wanted a scope for looking at SPFIF waveforms, what bandwidth would
> be "good enough"?
> I'm interested in doing some experiments on the SB SPDIF and would like
> to make some proper measurements!

One ususally buys an 'scope that can handle a comfortable amount over 
the nyquist rate.

RedBook audio is 1,411,200 bits/second

So if you are looking at RedBook, 5 or 10 mHz is a nice bottom. This is 
nothing for a modern 'scope, so getting one that does 50mHz is 'safer'

If you want to see jitter, or other things much smaller, then mHz is not 
enough, and you'll need gigaHz. this starts to get expensive and weird. 
At GHz, the wire in the signal sampling leads changes the signal.
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