sikahr;248384 Wrote: 
> Hi Phil, maybe You are right. But You disregard online services which
> sell music already compressed, this is important factor in my opinion.
> My theory is that almost all music in the future will be compressed,
> only small circle of audiophiles will care about lossless music.
> Peace,   Nenad

nonononononononononono, that is my worst nightmare, and I'm not an
audiophile. I have serious reservations with paying good money for
lossy music - its bad enough that the source material is so badly
compromised with the 'loudness wars'. For now I've compromised by only
purchasing drm-free lossy formats (emusic). And there is a limited
amount I can buy in flac format through Some of the major
labels have recently started offering drm-free, hopefully it won't be
much longer before they offer flac (or some other open-source
Please please please don't propogate the idea that lossy formats are
acceptable. If that kind of thinking persisted, we would all be working
on calculators that fill an office.


Wireless SB3, Denon DRA-F101, Mission M31 loudspeakers
WinXP SP2 Slimserver, SMC WBR14g router
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