Phil Leigh;278812 Wrote: 
> I'm familiar with Mr. Ohm
> Then shorter ordinary cables should outperform longer more exotic
> cables? Sounds like a cheap upgrade to me! But, which is best? short
> mains cables and longer speaker cables? 
> Also, it isn't going to be a straight DC equation since the mains is
> feeding a transformer primary with AC and thus has some reactance to
> deal with...

Of course it is not a straight DC equation, DC is just simpler because
you do not need to involve Mr. Calculus.  And the AC parts are affected
by things like capacitance and inductance.  Inductance in a 2 inch fuse
is for the most part nil.  Capacitance could be an issue because of the
contacts, however cleanly solder the fuse in place and that solves much
of that issue.

People who like simple audio amp designs like unregulated amps, however
they need to also invest in decent line conditioning (here it actually
does make a difference).  In the car stereo arena this is pretty much
the norm for any high end car amp, and is why they put a lot of effort
into upgrading the power source on the car (alternator not the

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