I'm going to sit on the fence on this and say "it depends".
I've used a Behringer DEQ2496 in my system very successfully in my old
flat, but that was partly to do with the fact that the room in question
had a lot of issues.
In my new house, the listening room is clearly a lot better and I
actually found that the 2496 was detrimental to the sound, even with
everything disabled.

So I'm going to suggest that in a troublesome room, can work wonders,
otherwise it can be best without.

For reference, I had played a lot with the DEQ and found that the
auto-correction was particularly intrusive, and that a manual
correction to dial out too much bass was the least intrusive.  My setup
was dedicated CD transport > DEQ2496 > External DAC > Stereo amp >
speakers.  So in theory, the DEQ was only taking in a digital signal
and spewing one out of the other side.  Quite how it damaged the sound
quality just by being in sequence, I've never understood.
I've also heard a full on TACT system, and prefered that with the DRC
out of the loop.


SB+, Bel Canto Evo2i, Impulse Ta'us, Coherent system cables, Stillpoints
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