Teus de Jong wrote:

> But I have a question for Robin. It may sound stupid, But I don't
> understand the loop cabling. How do you make the connections between
> the transporter and the equalizer? Using an output and input on both?
> And setting the effect loop input in the player configuration to the
> input that comes from the equalizer? And if so, with this setting you
> play your music in the 'nornal' way using the music library? (I just
> ask this because I'm contemplating trying an equalizer, but want to
> visualize how things work.)

You've pretty much got it.

Connect as follows:

        Transporter Digital Out -> Equaliser Digital In
        Equaliser Digitall Out ->  Transporter Digital In

Enable the loop

Play music.

You can test the loop is working by:

1. connecting a cable between Transporter digital out and digital in
2. enable the loop.
3. Play some music
4. Pull out the cable

If the music stops, the loop is working!


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